Not affiliated with EZ Flash

Always use game-modifying products with caution and be prepared for data loss

How to transfer an emulator save file- and back- to the EZ flash


Starting from PC first (assuming you're using a new version of Visualboy Advance) while your game of choice is loaded, save normally in-game, then go to File> Export Battery. Saved name preferably the same as the rom you'll be putting onto the EZ Flash.


Before we move any files, load up your EZ flash. Go to settings and disable auto saving (or this will wipe your saves!) Take the micro SD out of your EZ flash and put it inside the USB micro reader, then plug into your PC USB port. In File Explorer, pull your chosen rom file across and find the battery save from earlier, place that into the saves folder. 


We should be fine to take out the micro SD now. Plug it back into the EZ Flash and boot up. There might be a message asking if you'd like to overwrite with the new files it's detected. Say yes, and then turn off the EZ flash. This is important, because of the hardware limitations. It can only write saves to the chip once per "turn-off". Switching it back on and booting the game should now load your transferred save, and you can save normally on the EZ flash. Just don't forget to double-load any time you transfer your save.

#4- Problem Solving

1. Rom is stuck saving indefinitely. 

This unfortunately means either a bad game dump, or your emulator save settings are not correct. With newer emulators you can use "auto detect" but it really depends what you've got. Best thing is to test roms before you start really getting into playing them properly.

2. Game loads a white screen indefinitely. 

A little bit of the above problem, and also a bad emulator (or one that doesn't support what you're playing). This is true for a lot of Pokemon romhacks, so try using the newest release of "visualboym".

3. EZ Flash makes me start a new game but my save is there!

You might not have turned off auto-save (it's being overwritten just by booting the rom and turning it off again). Also possible it doesn't like the name you've given the save file, it really should be named the same as the rom you're playing with no special symbols. Also check your PC save file that you did a battery dump on. Load it in PKHex to see if there's been a corruption, or in my case you've just accidentally picked the wrong save file!