Anti-5G Power Saver Phone Sticker

Microscope & High Resolution Photographs

Microscope Images

Showcasing what appears to be a rough surface texture on the sticker- but it's completely flat and waxy! There must be a coating on the sticker to keep the (thorium) dust from separating.

Central connective cellular sphere design, with visible yellow ink printed on top of particles that make up the surface of the sticker, but underneath a protective layer

Just a slight zoom-out to see some of the text and how legible it is even at this size. It almost appears like crystals.

As close as the microscope will go, there is some effect on the image quality by the intense radiation. This image has much lower saturation. The quality returned to normal when the microscope was lifted off the surface of the sticker.

Side Profile

It may be a sticker but it still has a "side". Only by using a microscope can you see this ultra-thin angle!

As close as my microscope will go. The orange layer is the sticker glue, the white part behind it is the waxy sticker seal. This image displays the dangers of such products, even if only a very tiny danger. Where the sticker has been cut from a sheet, particulate is broken off from the composite material and has become stuck to itself. Because the sticker is assumed to be containing thorium, and thorium is an alpha emitter, this loose material is only really harmful if ingested. 

Products such as this Anti-5G sticker are an example of "panic science", where companies will take advantage of uninformed people in a panic about their health and safety. If there's a new 5G phone mast being installed outside their home, this product is the perfect thing to protect them! There is no legitimate reason for these products to exist except to exploit the anxious. Ionizing radioactive elements do not belong in any consumer-grade product and serve no purpose; they cannot stop "5G rays" and radiation coming out of your phone, and there is zero explanation as to how it can be a "power saver".


Safety Notice


Please practice safe storage of any kind of harmful material. Sale or disposal of ionizing materials is strictly controlled and even illegal in some countries; check your national policies and stay informed so you can keep yourself and others safe from ionizing radiation.


Nuclear Energy Regulatory Bodies for your country:


Australia: Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)

Canada: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

Europe: (Multiple) Euratom Treaty, also covered by the Basic Safety Standards Directive (BSSD) but different bodies for each member state, for example The Netherlands is governed by The Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS).

Japan: Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)

Russia: Rosatom

USA: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

UK: ONR (Office for Nuclear Radiation)